But on to the rest of the weekend. I had A LOT of playtime over the weekend and was able to finagle my warriors way into a Ulduar 10 for the weekly raid quest. Before I start explaining the level of my lameness let me explain that I have never played a DPS warrior. My warrior is my very first ever toon in WoW. Back in the prehistoric age of WoW, you may call it Vanilla WoW. I did not have any thottbot, or WoWHead or any of the great resources we have now. I pretty much soloed to 60. I did eventually join a guild around 40. But it was a small guild, a lot of them were even more noobish than me. Well when i hit level 10. I put my first talent point into the protection tree. I thought you could only use one tree, and I did not know what a respec was. So there I was, prot solo leveling to 60 in classic. It took me something like 22 days /played.
Fast forward 3 + years and we are in Wrath, and my Warrior is now 80. I have purchased dual talents but have rarely used the Arms spec I bought. So when I was invited to the 10 man I thought I would be OT. Well I was DPS. I broke out my blue giant hammer and tried to dps.
After the first trash pulls I looked at recount. I did 667 DPS.
There was much laughter from all my "Friends". I do more DPS when I heal on my shammy. We engaged Ignus, and I pretty much auto attacked, as I couldn't figure out how to get any rage. Every minute when I had enough rage saved I would either mortal strike, execute or bladestorm as I frantically facerolled through the encounter.
So the lesson learned. I am not DPS. But I did have a good time, and the guild had a few decent laughs at my expense. I just wish I had done a screen shot so you could see out top dps pushing 8k and me with 6. I mean 600.
oh but I did get 2 neat achievements, that are soo 3.1.
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